Thursday, April 27, 2017

California golf industry’s voice is heard in Sacramento

Allied golf industry gathers at the state capitol to discuss issues of critical importance to the game

The California Alliance for Golf (CAG), the unified voice for the golf industry in California, visited the California State Capitol in Sacramento on April 19 to discuss issues affecting the industry to members of the California State Legislature.

The delegation was made up of representatives from the California Golf Course Owners Association, California GCSA, Englander Knabe & Allen (lobbyist for CAG), GCSAA, Latina Golfers Association, Moore Minister Communications, Northern California PGA and the Southern California Golf Association.

CAG representing the golf industry at the California State Capitol
The California GCSA and GCSAA were represented by GCSA of Northern California executive director Marc Connerly, Tilden Park Golf Club superintendent Kevin Shipley, GCSAA student member Steven Spatafore (Cal Poly San Luis Obispo), former GCSAA President and CAG board member Bruce Williams of Bruce Williams Golf Consulting and I.

The group met with Alf Brandt, Legislative Director for Speaker Anthony Rendon, staff from the office of Senator Steven Bradford, Kip Lipper, Office of Pro Tempore; staff from the office Assemblyman Chad Mayes, Assemblyman Patrick O’Donnell, Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk Silva and Assemblyman Phil Ting.

Topics included the formation of the California Golf Commission (a commission that would be self-funded through an assessment on greens fees and membership fees), growth of the game programs in the state focused on youth, women and minority groups; the GCSAA/California GCSA BMP template and continuing water conservation goals as the state recovers from five years of severe drought. 

Additionally, the delegation held in depth discussion on the economic impact of the game. The state’s nearly 900 courses have a total impact of more than $13 billion, employ 128,000 creating $4.1 billion in wages and contributes nearly $365 million to charitable causes.

The event marked the third consecutive year that CAG has visited the State Capitol. For more information on the organization and its efforts, visit

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