Monday, November 24, 2014

Chapter Delegates discuss proposed model to update both member classifications and member standards

87 GCSAA chapter delegates met in Lawrence, KS in October to discuss a number of proposals including a $10 Class A/SM and $5 Class C dues increase, the addition of an equipment manager classification and a model to update both member standards and member classifications. 

The dues increase is based on a 3.3 percent increase in the Consumer Price Index since 2013 and would raise dues levels to $375 for Class A/SM members and $190 for Class C members.  The dues increase will assist GCSAA in continuing to provide its core mission programs and services as well as more recent initiatives and program developments. 

The new equipment manager’s classification would assist equipment managers in obtaining golf specific education while providing a vast array of GCSAA central resources to assist in the advancement of their careers.   The decision to add this classification was reached after conversations with numerous members from around the country. 

Both of the above issues will be placed before the membership for a vote during the 2015 annual meeting in San Antonio.

The proposed updates to both member standards and member classifications created the most discussion during the meeting.  After careful consideration, the GCSAA board has made a recommendation that:
  •       Reduces the number of member classifications from 13 to 5. The classifications would   include Class A, Class B (currently SM), Class C (Assistants), Equipment Manager and Member. 
  •          Class A eligibility would be strictly determined by the sliding education and experience scale.  Education and service points would no longer be required to maintain Class A status.
  •         In place of the current points system, various educational certificates would be created to help members to continue to market themselves and their individual achievements.
Key points to consider:
  •         Aligns this association with the vast majority of associations around the world in focusing education around designations and not classifications.
  •          Proposal is still centered on formal education.
  •          Maintains CGCS as the pinnacle of continuing educational attainment.
  •          Reduces the confusion around CGCS, Class A and SM members.
  •          Creates a cohesive and inclusive association.
The proposed updates to both member standards and member classifications will not be voted on in 2015 and GCSAA will use the next year to solicit additional input from the membership. The membership will vote on the new pathway at the 2016 annual meeting.

If you have any questions concerning the above proposals, please don’t hesitate to contact me at or speak with your assigned chapter delegate.  We will be glad to walk you through the discussion.  More information is also available at

Thank you again for your support over the course of 2015 and Happy Holidays to all!