Friday, January 30, 2015

Sierra Nevada GCSA hosts annual Mechanics Training Seminar

The Sierra Nevada GCSA hosted their annual Mechanics Training Seminar Jan. 28, at The Ridge Golf Club in Auburn, Calif. The event was attended by 65 golf industry professionals, including 57 mechanics and equipment managers from all areas of Northern California.

Wildly successful, the event featured an array of practical applications as well as topics on leadership, communications and problem solving in the workplace. Featured speakers included Tim Conner of Turf Star, Jim Ferrin, CGCS at Sun City Roseville, Mark Pilger and Ben Showard of Reel  Sharp and SIP Grinders and representatives of Jacobson West and Belkorp Golf & Turf.  

  • Conner provided an entertaining presentation on "Finding the Root Cause," which focused on problem solving and diagnostics for the mechanic and how to find the simplest solution to those problems.
  • Ferrin spoke on the importance of the role the mechanic plays in the golf operation and provided ideas on how mechanics need to become more involved in the overall maintenance facility operations. Highlighted topics included budgeting, equipment purchase, leadership skills, communication with staff members and recognizing that mechanics are professionals in the industry, and their appearance, attitude and work ethic should reflect that.
  • Pilger and Showard presented on "Why We Grind," which included videos on best practices for grinding and the overall role that having sharp reel and bedknife edges plays in quality turf on the golf course.
  • Jacobson West presented on the operation and maintenance of Tier 4 engines as well as compliance with all Tier 4 emission standards.
  • Belkorp Golf & Turf spoke on hydraulic diagnostic skills and basic repair on turf equipment.

A special thanks to Class A Superintendent Scott McCullough of The Ridge Golf Club, who hosted the event and obtained the speakers for the day. Scott has been instrumental in the development of this seminar over the past several years.  
For more information on the Sierra Nevada GCSA, visit

Pictured are mechanics/equipment managers at the annual Sierra Nevada GCSA Mechanics Seminar at The Ridge Golf Club in Auburn, Calif.  The event was attended by 65 industry professionals, including 57 mechanics and equipment managers.


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Cactus & Pine GCSA board discusses water issues with congressional rep

Cactus & Pine GCSA board members, along with chapter executive director Carmella Ruggiero, Apache Sun Golf Club owner Mike Musulin and I, met with U.S. Rep. Paul Gosar (AZ-04)and staff on Dec. 16 at Apache Sun Golf Club in Queen Creek, Ariz.

The meeting was initiated by Cactus & Pine secretary and GCSAA board candidate Rory Van Poucke, who serves as the general manager/superintendent of Apache Sun Golf Club.  In addition to Van Poucke and Ruggiero, also representing the Cactus & Pine was President Andy Huber and board members Kai Umeda and Jim Marshall.  

With Arizona and the Southwest U.S. in the midst of a severe drought, the meeting centered around water use and conservation on golf courses.  The congressman and his staff were educated on reclaimed water use, turf reduction programs, irrigation efficiency and technology, turfgrass research, BMPs and the industry’s work on assisting with the development of model drought compliance legislation.

Pictured are members of the Cactus & Pine GCSA with U.S. Rep. Paul Gosar (AZ-04)
and his key staff members at Apache Sun Golf Club in Queen Creek, AZ.

Van Poucke also provided an economic impact study that outlined the golf industry’s $3.4 billion impact on Arizona’s economy.  Golf is now the leading driver of tourism to the state.

Additionally, the EPA’s newly proposed Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule that GCSAA and the golf industry is opposing was discussed.  The congressman has condemned the EPA’s new rule and understands the devastating economic consequences it will have for golf, agriculture and small businesses throughout Arizona and the U.S. if it is implemented.

The Cactus & Pine GCSA appreciates Congressman Gosar and his staff’s time and any questions concerning the meeting can be directed to Rory Van Poucke or Jeff Jensen.