Monday, December 15, 2014

Hi-Lo Desert GCSA leads efforts on economic impact study for the Coachella Valley golf industry

The Hi-Lo Desert Golf Course Superintendents Association, along with significant financial support from the California Alliance for Golf, California Golf Course Owners Association, Golden State Chapter of CMAA, Greater Palm Springs Convention and Visitors Bureau, Southern California Golf Association and the Southern California PGA, has contracted Oxford Economics to conduct an economic impact study for the Coachella Valley golf industry. 

The valley is home to 123 golf courses and these facilities are an integral part of the local economy, as well as a year-round activity for both residents and visitors. The study will calculate direct, indirect and induced economic impacts for the golf industry in the region. 

Oxford Economics, one of the world’s leading providers of economic analysis, forecasts and consulting advice, will be reaching out to facilities in the region via an online survey in January and will be requesting the following information:

  • Revenue by type (rounds, merchandise, memberships, food and beverage, lodging, meeting space rental, equipment rentals, etc.)
  • Taxes paid
  • Employment numbers and associated income
  • Customer residence (local/visitor)
  • Investments (equipment, renovation and construction)
  • Major events (fan attendance, sponsorships and media) 

In addition, average visitor spending data will be compiled from Tourism Economics' work with Palm Springs to calculate the spending of golf visitors outside of the resort/golf course. 

Lastly, government data on golf will be compiled from Census and Bureau of Labor Statistics information will anchor the results to known measurements for employment, personal income and sales.

By monitoring the full economic impact of the Coachella Valley golf industry, our allied golf organizations can inform the media, public, and most importantly, policy makers about the relevance and importance of the golf industry to the region.

If you have any questions concerning the study, please contact Hi-Lo Desert GCSA president Dean Miller at or GCSAA Southwest field representative Jeff Jensen at