Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Golf Industry makes visit to the California State Capitol

The California Alliance for Golf (CAG), the unified voice for the golf industry in California, visited the California State Capitol in Sacramento on April 27. 

The delegation was made up of representatives from the California GCSA, Englander Knabe & Allen, GCSAA, Moore Minister Communications, Northern California PGA and the Southern California Golf Association.   

The California GCSA and GCSAA were represented by Jim Ferrin, CGCS at Sun City Roseville and CAG secretary; former GCSAA President and CAG board member Bruce Williams of Bruce Williams Golf Consulting; Kurtis Wolford, Sierra Nevada GCSA President and Class A Superintendent at Cherry Island Golf Course and I. 

The group met with Keali’i Bright, Deputy Secretary to Natural Resources Agency; John Casey, Communications Director to Speaker Anthony Rendon; Kip Lipper, Office of Pro Tempore; Assemblyman Patrick O’Donnell, Assemblyman Phil Ting, Josh White, Legislative Director for Minority Leader Chad Mayes and key staff members of Governor Jerry Brown. 

Topics included a current overview of Governor Brown’s emergency drought declarations as well as the possible easing of those restrictions in the coming weeks due to ample snowfall in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, the State Water Resources Control Board’s continuing changes to the state’s Model Water Efficiency Landscape Ordinance (MWELO), growth of the game and youth initiatives in the state with a particular focus on the SCGA’s Youth on Course Program, golf’s efficient use of water in the state (less than one percent of the total fresh water), the industries outreach efforts with local government agencies and municipalities and an ask on the industries behalf for a resolution proclaiming a Golf Day in California. 

Additionally, the delegation held in depth discussion on the economic impact of the game. The state’s nearly 900 courses have a total impact of more than $13 billion, employ 128,000 creating $4.1 billion in wages and contributes nearly $365 million to charitable causes. 

The event marked the first of two yearly visits by CAG to the State Capitol. For more information on the organization and its efforts, visit   

Pictured are members of the California Alliance for Golf at the State Capitol in Sacramento, CA during CAG’s Legislative Day