Thursday, September 10, 2015

Coachella Valley Golf Industry Economic Impact Study highlights the major role golf plays in the region

The Hi-Lo Desert GCSA recently released the Coachella Valley Golf Industry Economic Impact Study.  The study, that originated with a chapter outreach grant from GCSAA and a matching contribution from the Hi-Lo Desert GCSA, also received significant financial contributions from the California Alliance for Golf (CAG), California Golf Course Owners Association (CGCOA), Greater Palm Springs Convention and Visitors Bureau, Southern California Golf Association (SCGA), Southern California PGA (SCPGA) and The Golden State Chapter of the Club Managers Association of America. 

The 30-page study highlights the major role golf plays in the recreation and entertainment industry of California’s Coachella Valley while serving as a major draw of tourism to the region.  Tourism Economics, an Oxford Economics Company, conducted the research to determine the volume of golf-stays by locals and visitors at facilities within the region and their associated expenditures to build up a model of the industry’s impact on the regional economy. Surveys were distributed to golf facilities and resorts throughout the region to collect detailed financial and operating data.

Home to 123 golf facilities (13.9 percent of California’s total), the Coachella Valley golf industry has a direct economic impact of $752 million, a total economic impact of $1.1 billion and supports more than 14,000 jobs throughout the region.  Additionally, the Coachella Valley golf industry had a state and local tax impact of $82.9 million in 2014.

A special thanks goes to Dean Miller (Past President, Hi-Lo Desert GCSA) for serving as the liaison to Tourism Economics and assisting with numerous aspects of this report, Craig Kessler (Director, Governmental Affairs, SCGA), Stu Rowland (Past President, Hi-Lo Desert GCSA) and Pat Truchan (Board Member, Hi-Lo Desert GCSA) for providing comments on drafts of this report.

By monitoring the full economic impact of the Coachella Valley golf industry, our allied golf organizations can inform the media, public, and most importantly, policy makers about the relevance and importance of the golf industry to the region.   

To view the study in its entirety, visit the Hi-Lo Desert GCSA website.

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